For many professional activities, a leather bag might seem like the obvious choice, for it can be quite elegant if the leather is of an exceptional quality. Bleu de Chauffe uses only the best European leathers that are vegetable tanned (oak, acacia, and chestnut) without using chromium and other toxic and polluting heavy metals. Thus, they simply age beautifully and acquire a natural patina over time.
For work, your first choice should be a leather bag with a storage space for your computer or tablet. Almost all Bleu de Chauffe leather business bags, messenger bags and backpacks are equipped with one. Bleu de Chauffe business and messenger bags are contemporary versions of the working bags of the 20th century and have a unique and understated look, perfectly suited for most professional activities. These bags include the Zeppo, Éclair (3 sizes), Lucien, Report, Folder, Groucho, Irving (the largest in our business bag collection) or Musette in suede.
The Lucien and the Musette do not have a specific storage space for computers and tablets; however, they come equipped with snap-on buttons so that you can clip on one of our Misha computer sleeves.
Our leather backpacks, elegant while at the same time remaining loyal to the “workwear” and “outdoor” spirit of Bleu de Chauffe, are also perfect bags for work or an urban lifestyle. These bags include the Zibeline (pouch for 15 inch laptop) or the Puncho (pouch for 14 inch laptop) and the Eclair postman bag in size L. Our suede Camp backpacks are not equipped for laptops, but are otherwise well-suited for life in the city.